Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dear Manty

Its stupid to be in a fight when you hate my story because your the bad guy. Somebody has to be it, right? Everybody loves it, so don't be afraid that people will think you actually are mean! Like Frie, he isn't that mean. (Lol I can't like on the web). And Manty, you aren't mean at all!! Max and Samson love it, so you should too. Its a story, and it should be fun to picture how it would look like on CP!! Please dont hate it, love it!!
-Spongella and Cheerol


  1. it's just really mean can you just edit the names please?

  2. sorry no cause it would ruin the WHOLE ENTIRE story. next time when I make one, I won't put u in our i will ask u what part because u hate all the parts and need a good character!!!!!!
