Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hannajean's Popularity Strike

Some of have got suspicious, Hannajean hasn't been here for WEEKS, and she said should would be back in 2 weeks, and it's been longer. So people started to not believe this story, it may be the other person that started blogging on her site. I talked to Samson235 and Snickersbat today.

Do you think Hannajean is grounded?
SA: No, actually I don't
SN: Yes!

Explain why:
SA: I dont actually, Hannajean has been wanting to be famous all her life, with blogs and her buddies on CP screaming when shes on like Max for example. So I believe shes not grounded, but I do belive shes on a Popularity Strike.
SN: Yes I do think shes grounded, yeah sometimes shes fussy, but would she lie to her friends/fans?! Of course not, thats why I think SA is completely off the hook about this.

A Popularity Strike. I see. One more thing and we will decide who we are going with.......
SA: Or...... shes trying to get Max away from you, Sponge! Max has gone with you several times, and leaving Hannajean behind. You were happy for them, but then it got into acting, which got into an explosion. Remember the time when you were trying to say the write things that wouldn't show your saddness?
Yes, I do SA. SN; your turn for the last convincing part!
SN: This is unbelievable. Hannajean would never lie? Or would she......

It appears so that we are going with SA's story, Hannajean's Popularity Strike. If you agree check out the latest poll: DO YOU THINK HANNAJEAN IS ON A POPULARITY STRIKE? Like SN said........ Or would she......



  1. IM NOT GROUNDED ANYMORE!!!!!! IM SAD NOW BECAUSE YOU GUYS THINK I WAS LYING. oh well. lol ill try to be on more, But remember i cant go on cp on school nights. :( sorry

  2. great im the bad guy

  3. Hanna, dont be sad, its ok. I dont think your lying.

  4. Wait a min, wat a popularity strike?

  5. like a hunger strike when your trying to be skinny and loose weight (i find this HILARIOUS!!!) but a POPULARITY strike is when you leave for a long time so people start questioning where you are start search parties and e-mail you and get all excited if you write back and tell the world, you leave and come back popular because people thing your awesome and miss you and you get things you want A.K.A. Max lol, but he didn't leave me.
