Monday, May 18, 2009


Alright, I know who was trying to break me and Max up. And that person knows its them. Im asking please stop, I never did that to you, If you think you know who it is I am having a contest! But if the actual person comes and lies and says its someone else, I will ask them to please not come back here ever again. I am sorry to the people who keep getting band by this person and who keeps swearing at them. Here is something a person "Spongebob272" (notice 272) did to Max51423, "Wanna f*** with me tonite?". Yeah, that person knows who they are. We thought it was Frie67, who has no clue what we were talking about, plus Cool Dud1999 was acting that he was Hanna.... he is a good actor until the person starts swearing, we are having court everytime this happens, because the members on Max's page can ban you, if it's Hanna I dont know to ban her, but I doubt it her she's so nice and would never hurt anybody even if her old boyfriend left to come with me. And we're really close, so i know its not her!! :)
Court days will be scheduled on this page until this crime has stopped. Sorry to the people who keep getting band especially Samson235, sorry this keeps happening, and believe me would I harm anybody or hurt MAX?!


  1. he also said wanna f*** with me tonight? to me too!

  2. sponge its not ur fault. if it takes me getting banned to keep u and max together then i am ok with it. cus i like being kind to ppl and keeping them together:D. plus, they DO know who they are and somebody said to me that he/she will do something really bad and scary to me

  3. :D thanks samson, manatee6 the jerk came back on Tuesday, May 19, at 3:40 and scared me and max to death.

  4. another person said that they are stalking me!
    [i have seen someone following me]
